From Zreče to Zlati Grič

A divine cycling route which is not to be missed. Follow the route on the former narrow-gauge railway to the irreplaceable wine-growing hills.


LTO Rogla – Zreče, GIZ TIC Zreče

Cesta na Roglo 13b

3214 Zreče

T: +386 (0)3 759 04 70


Here you can find more information about the route and the GPX.

From Zreče head for Slovenske Konjice and turn left at the shopping center roundabout. After about 500 m, turn right at the roundabout and continue past the factories. At the crossroads, head towards Radana vas and along the former narrow-gauge railway. From there the route leads through the vast vineyards and past the modern Zlati grič Wine Cellar. Climb past the cellar to the Grič Inn in the heart of Škalce, where you can also satisfy your thirst with a glass of wine. From there you can enjoy an extraordinary, unforgettable views of the golf course, Slovenske Konjice and its surroundings and Konjiška gora with the ruins of the Old castle on Konjiška gora. It is possible to return to Zreče along the same route or through the village of Gračič, through which there is a climb with constant views across the wine-growing hills onto the Dravinja valley.


At the Zlati grič Wine Cellar you can arrange tasting of top quality wines.

If you would like to know more about the train which used to ride through the valley, visit the Narrow Gauge Railway Museum.

Starting point: Bus station Zreče

Length: 10 km (circular route)

Altitude difference: 150 m

Cycling time: 1.5 hours (circular route)

Difficulty: easy

Surface: asphalt

Follow the marks: L353

Points of interest: wine-growing Škalce with the modern Zlati grič Wine Cellar, The Old Town Square Centre of Slovenske Konjice