Old Square, Slovenske Konjice / Slovenske Konjice
12. Jul. 2024 / 21:00


Batista Cadillac is known for their exceptionally successful performance at the EMA, where they stepped onto the big TV stage for the first time and presented the standout hit of EMA 22, "Mim pravil" ("Like Rules"). Shortly after, they introduced their debut album at a sold-out concert at Kin Šiška, which includes not only the aforementioned hit but also a series of award-winning soulful singles like "Pust me do besede" ("Let Me Speak"), "Magnolije" ("Magnolias"), and "Generacija neba" ("Generation of the Sky"). A good year has passed since the debut release, during which time the group, now in its six-member lineup, has been gaining experience on numerous smaller and larger stages, evolving into a confident soul machine that easily gets the audience on their feet. They collaborate with numerous outstanding Slovenian vocalists, including Vlado Kreslin, with whom they delivered an incredibly energetic performance of the song "Neviden (Ali veš, da me ljubiš?)" ("Invisible (Do You Know You Love Me?)"), which they then released as a single. With their current single, Batista Cadillac continues their streak of successful collaborations with exceptional Slovenian vocalists. They have also released a newly revamped version of the song "Pust me do besede" featuring the unique soul diva Maja Keuc – Amayo. The group is announcing the release of a new single from their eponymous debut and a concert tour. At the same time, they are already working on new material for their next album, which will undoubtedly bring even more exciting and award-winning hits.



Vocal: Urban Lutman.

Guitar, vocal: Matija Koritnik.

Guitar: Primož Hudoklin.

Keyboards: Jakob Zlatinšek.

Bass guitar: Sebastjan Podlesnik.

Drums: Enos Kugler.


Etrance free! Information: Center za kulturne prireditve Slovenske Konjice, 03 758 04 37,

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IG: @ckpslovenskekonjice.