Old Square, Slovenske Konjice / Slovenske Konjice
26. Jul. 2024 / 21:00


Julija is a young musician from the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice. Music is a part of her life, through which she expresses herself most easily, especially through singing. She adores jazz and Slovenian pop songs; in this music, she feels free and comfortable. Currently, she is expanding her knowledge of jazz singing under the mentorship of Nina Strnad. She has performed in numerous musical projects, concerts, and musicals. Additionally, she is a regular member of the bands Big Band Šentjur, Big Band Šmarje pri Jelšah, The Moonlighting Orchestra, and The Golden Dixie Boys. Recently, she also became a member of the vocal group Jazzva. In 2019, at the Popevka festival organized by the national television, she presented her first original song "Midva," which was a significant milestone in her musical journey. In the future, she looks forward to creating original music and gaining new experiences in the world of music.

Accompanying her is a band of five exceptional professional musicians with whom Julija regularly collaborates in various musical projects. Their repertoire consists of multi-genre songs, primarily pop, funk, and jazz.



Vocal: Julija Lubej.

Trumpet: Žan Cesar.

Piano: Leon Firšt.

Guitar: Alen Kovše.

Bass: Jaka Krušič.

Drums Gregor Hrovat.

Etrance free! Information: Center za kulturne prireditve Slovenske Konjice, 03 758 04 37,

FB: Center za kulturne prireditve Slovenske Konjice,

IG: @ckpslovenskekonjice.