Detox during the full moon at Terme Zreče

12. Mar. 2025 / 16:00

 During the full moon, an opportunity opens for a regular visit to the sauna, which offers a unique detox experience.

Razstrupljanje ob polni luni_spletna stran

Join us at the Detox during the Full Moon at Terme Zreče. The event will take place on Wednesday, March 12th, at 4:00 PM.

The power of the moon in nurturing the body is indescribable, as it has always evoked wonder within us and raised questions about its true strength. During the full moon, an opportunity opens for a regular visit to the sauna, which offers a unique detox experience. With the help of a detox program, you will experience a feeling of rebirth and revitalization, full of energy.


4:00 PM: Honey scrub with ginger
6:00 PM: Aromatherapy with healthy conifers
8:00 PM: Detoxifying green tea wrap
10:00 PM: Relaxing lavender aromatherapy

A full moon sauna visit allows the body to release all waste and toxins, improving your vitality and well-being. Take advantage of the lunar cycle for your well-being, as the sauna will remain open until 11:30 PM.

In addition to tea, fruit snacks and refreshing drinks will be available to complement your experience.

The program will take place with a minimum of 5 participants, so hurry up and sign up.

We reserve the right to change the programs and schedules, so stay updated for the latest information.

Additional charge for entry after 5:00 PM is 5 €.

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