The tour of Skomarje House is available as part of the Skomarje tour, including a guided tour of the Skomarje House, Vodovnik's collection, two presentational short films, the Church of St. Lambert and the grave of Jurij Vodovnik.
Skomarje 32, 3214 Zreče
Working hours:
The tour of Skomarje can be previously arranged at the LTO Rogla – Zreče, GIZ TIC Zreče, Cesta na Roglo 13b in Zreče.
T: +386 (0) 41 720 330
E: info@rogla-zrece.si
A winding road leads to Skomarje, past numerous streams and torrents in the wooded heart of Pohorje, It offers some breathtaking views of the hilly world which slowly flows into the Dravinja valley. The genuine Pohorje village of Skomarje pops up when the deciduous trees start dissapearing in the coniferous forest.
Did you know?
At 924 meters above sea level, Skomarje is one of the highest-situated Slovenian villages with the prevailing rural population. Life there is in many ways close to that of 100 years ago.
Here is the home of tradition: The Skomarje House
The famous Homestead Skomarje House was built in 1803, following the classic chimney tradition of construction of the time. At the same time the famous Pohorje poet, Jurij Vodovnik, also wandered around here. It represents the transitional type between the late medieval smoke house and a more advanced house with an open-fire black kitchen.
In the Skomarje House you will find the following medieval rooms:
A Tip: the Skomarje Excursion can be used for hiking and cycling, or for visit of a tourist farm. The Arbajter Tourist Farm is located in Skomarje, which makes an impression with its deer farm and delicious delicacies of the Taste of Rogla.