The Riemer Town Gallery and the Konjice Museum

The heart of Slovenske Konjice holds a treasure: the Riemer Town Gallery with specimen of renowned authors, from the Leonardo da Vinci School onwards, and the Konjice Museum.


3 € per person

Working hours:

To arrange a tour, come to the Tourist Information Center - TIC at Stari trg 27 in Slovenske Konjice.

T: +386 (0)3 759 31 10

M: +386 (0)51 444 141



Slovenske Konjice also hold some of the most valuable artistic assets that would open-heartedly be accepted by the largest artistic metropolas. The renovated townhouse in the heart of the Old Town Square is the home of the Riemer Town Gallery and the Konjice Museum. It holds a permanent collection of Konjice's entrepreneur and collector Franz Riemer and the pearls of Konjice's rich history.

6 reasons why the Riemer Town Gallery must be visited:

  • More than 70 paintings by the world-known local and foreign authors are displayed on 200 m2.
  • The oldest painting dates from the old 15th century.
  • In the great fresco of Milan Lamovec Didi, you will be able to observe the Konjice legend with your own eyes.
  • A special attention is dedicated to the antique furniture. One of the most beautiful pieces is a secretary with a hidden drawer, once owned by Oton Župančič, one of the greatest Slovenian poets.


The Konjice Museum holds treasures for historical gourmets

The search for treasures continues at the Konjice Museum. There we can find the old original plague sign at the Old Town Square, the fresco from the Žiče Charterhouse and the ovens and clay pipes that were found at the Old Castle on Konjiška gora.