The Oplotnica Gorge

The Oplotnica Gorge is a deep, green and soothing gorge which used to be the source of work and life for people, while today an educational trail leads through it.


TIC Oplotnica

Goriška cesta 4

2317 Oplotnica


T: +386 (0) 2 845 09 15


Wild and untamed, Oplotnica thunders from Pohorje, although it is only a stream. When nature abounds in water, it can become a real rapid river. Slowly and steadily, the Oplotnica stream carved its way into the rock as a mighty gorge, which has been known to the locals as the Oplotnica Gorge for many years, hidden in a forest largely covered by moss, in which the water is constantly rippling.

Water and wood are Pohorje's 'bread'

Oplotnica and other places of Pohorje used to fill their hungry mouths almost exclusively with wood and water. Of course, they did not eat them, however, they were smart enough to bring them to their mills – literally speaking!

People from Pohorje mostly adopted 3 handicrafts:

  • Woodwork. Pohorje is, as we know it, a treasury of quality woods.
  • Transport. Vintgar was the only timber supply route from the forests of Pohorje. It also led to Cezlak, a site of chizlakite.
  • Sawmills and mills. The Oplotnica stream used to run as many as 30 sawmills and mills.

Do not miss out: The Oplotnica Gorge Educational Trail

When you miss authentic experiences, take a weekend trip to the gorge, through which also leads an interesting and easy Educational Trail Oplotnica Gorge. The trail is not demanding, and mums and dads will be looking forward to the Kneipp Active Park along the Oplotnica stream.

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